• Address : XingAn Street No.287
  • Phone : (+086)-123-456-78910
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  • Skype : dnngo-linda

Welcome to the New Jersey Society for Clinical Social Work

The society was established in the early 1970's specifically to promote the needs of social workers interested in psychodynamic approaches to treatment and the acceptance of clinical social workers in the practice of psychotherapy. Now providing leadership and training opportunities in the broad spectrum of psychotherapy techniques, NJSCSW is in the forefront of vital issues facing clinical social workers today.

NJSCSW offers networking opportunities to our members. The organization attempts to further the profession by offerring clinical education programs, support through legislative advocacy and guidance to our students and new graduates.


NJSCSW works to provide you with helpful information and opportunities to:

  • Participate in Legislative initiatives
  • Receive referrals through the online Clinical Social Work Directory
  • Receive information about upcoming conferences with noted speakers
  • Network with social work professionals who are leaders in the fields of clinical practice, healthcare policy, legislation, administration and organizing
  • Become informed with related news and legislative activity
  • Work with us to promote and further the profession of Clinical Social Work

When you join NJSCSW, you immediately become part of a powerful voice in both the Clinical Social Work profession and the political and legislative arenas of healthcare.

For information about licensing and other logistical issues pertinent to social work in New Jersey,

please visit: 

New Jersey State Board of Social Work Examiners

Click here for the New Jersey Social Work Regulations.


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When you join NJSCSW you join a community of social workers to advance your practice, network with your peers, advocate for our profession, and access an array of other benefits. We are as strong as our organization and we welcome you to join NJSCSW!

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A Word on Equality

By Kaitlin Vanderhoff, LCSW

The New Jersey Society for Clinical Social Work is filled with members and leaders who are, by our very nature, advocates for social justice and equality. With the progression of the Black Lives Matter movement we felt it was important to publish a message as a means of showing support and as a reminder of our responsibilities as social workers to be knowledgeable advocates for such causes. 

As Social Workers many of the articles in our code ethics direct us to both seek to understand and advocate for those who face oppression. 

For instance, Article 1.05 says “(c) Social Workers should obtain education about and seek to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status and mental of physical ability."

Not only are we bound to be aware of social diversity and oppression and its impact in our society but we are further bound to engage in political action and advocate for these groups.  Article 6.04 states that “(a) Social workers should engage in social and political action that seeks to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully. Social workers should be aware of the impact of the political arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice."

The final article I will mention, which doesn’t even encompass all of the articles surrounding this issue within the code of ethics is Article 6.04 (d) which reads that, “Social Workers should act to prevent and eliminate domination of, exploration of, and discrimination against any person, group, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, martial status, political belief, religion, immigration status or mental of physical disability."

With so many articles in the code of ethics for social workers it can be difficult to always remember what we once pledged to follow and stand for as social workers. My hope is that this article will serve as a reminder on behalf of the NJSCSW of what our responsibilities are as social workers and the importance of our participation during this difficult and revolutionary time in history. 
